EZ Origami Blog
Here you will find the latest origami content from EZ Origami. Check back soon for new diagrams, tutorials, and much more! For additional information, feel free to contact me here.

Zen Origami Giveaway!
In celebration of 70,000 subscribers on YouTube, I am giving away a copy of Maria Sinayskaya’s new book called “Zen Origami.” Entering the giveaway is simple. All you have to do is subscribe to EZ Origami on YouTube, like this video, and comment below the video with a design you’d like to see in one […]

New Video: Origami 6-Fold Heart (Stéphane Gigandet)
New video! This time, I’ll teach you how to fold an Origami 6-Fold Heart designed by Stéphane Gigandet. For this model, you will need 1 square sheet of paper with the same color on both sides. And in just under 3 minutes, you will have your very own origami heart! I recommend using a 3″ […]

New Video: Origami Rain Star Kusudama (Aldo Marcell)
New video! This time, I’ll teach you how to fold an Origami Rain Star Kusudama designed by Aldo Marcell. For this model, you will need 11 square sheets of paper. Each unit is folded from a 1:3 rectangle, so before folding the units I will teach you how to cut each square to the correct […]

New Video: Origami Star “74” (Francesco Mancini)
New video to kick off the new year! This time, I’ll teach you how to fold an Origami Star “74” designed by Francesco Mancini. For this model, you will need 11 square sheets of paper. Each unit is folded from a rectangle with a dimension ratio of 1:√2, so before folding the units I will […]

New Video: Origami Deco Star (Mythily Satchi)
I recently finished working on a new instructional video! This time, I’ll teach you how to fold an Origami Deco Star designed by Mythily Satchi. For this model, you will need 16 square sheets of paper. I recommend using 3″ squares to fold this model. Using 3″ squares will result in a model about 5.5″ […]

New Video: Origami 3D Ring (Paolo Bascetta)
I recently finished working on a new instructional video! This time, I’ll teach you how to fold a simple Origami 3D Ring designed by Paolo Bascetta. For this model, you will need 14 square sheets of paper. I recommend using 3″ or larger squares to fold this model. Using 3″ squares will result in a […]

50K Giveaway Results!
In my last video, you were asked to vote on your favorite 5 contest entries. In just 10 days, over 90 people voted, all 350 of their votes were tallied, and the winners were selected! Each of the winners will receive a copy of “Wondrous One Sheet Origami,” in addition to original models folded and […]

New Video: Origami Frog (Beth Johnson)
I recently finished working on a new instructional video! This time, I demonstrate how to fold an Origami Frog designed by Beth Johnson. For this model, you will need one square sheet of paper. I recommend using thicker paper such as tant to fold this model. However, thinner paper such as kami also works well. […]

New Video: Origami Burr Puzzle (Froy)
I recently finished working on a new instructional video! This time, I demonstrate how to fold an Origami Burr Puzzle designed by Barlaham Benítez Vargas (Froy). For this model, you will need 6 square sheets of paper. Each unit is folded from a single square, and I recommend using 6″ squares to fold the units. […]