Origami Rain Star (Aldo Marcell)
56,056 views • Uploaded on January 15, 2016 by Evan Zodl
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30+ minutes
11 Squares
In this video, you will learn how to make an Origami Rain Star designed by Aldo Marcell. This is a simple origami kusudama, and it looks great when it's completed! Enjoy!
Upload photos of your Rain Star Kusudama to Instagram and tag them with #ezorigami or submit your photos to my YouTube Gallery here! Special thanks to Aldo Marcell for granting me permission to create this video! Be sure to check out his more of his incredible work by visiting his Flickr photostream.
Upload photos of your Rain Star Kusudama to Instagram and tag them with #ezorigami or submit your photos to my YouTube Gallery here! Special thanks to Aldo Marcell for granting me permission to create this video! Be sure to check out his more of his incredible work by visiting his Flickr photostream.
Video tutorial by Evan Zodl.